1. If you were born in West Pakistan and moved to East Pakistan , and then suddenly they were having a war, who would you help out and why?
2. How would you act if your children were being taken away from you and had no choice but to allow it?
3. Why might a mother allow her son to join a resistance group, people that go against a country that is taking over their country?
4. What would you do if your country lost in a war and you were being controlled by another country?
5. Why would there be a war between two countries that are related or almost the same? For example, Pakistan and Bangladesh .
6. Why do some countries side with other countries that are in war when they can help stop it in another way?
7. Why might countries want to take over other countries when they can improve on their own country?
8. How would you explain why someone would try to steal a married women/man?
9. If you had fallen in love with someone younger and had an adult-teenager that was supposed to be arrested, but the one you love pretended to be your child so that your child wouldn’t get arrested, would you allow your loved one to pretend being your child?
7) Countries such as these are like this because they are run by greedy, selfish, corrupt goverments. They act by appealing to the ideas of colonizing other countries and seeming far more greater than them. These governments seek superiority rather than support and help their own civilians. They continue to treat their own country residents and citizens like they are all beneath them and dont deserve a proper democracy. These countries act as though they can make the world a better place before they can improve their own country.